The Half Butt Inn

In The Cellar


Sharps Doom Bar

Amber Ale

ABV 4%


Adnams Ghost Ship

Pale Ale

ABV 4.5%


Adnams Broadside

Copper Ale

ABV 4.7%


Adnams Broadside

Adnams Broadside


abv: 4.7%

Dark & Fruity

Broadside is a multi-award winner, including 'Best Strong Bitter' in the country, and awarded a gold medal at the Great British Beer Festival. Voted 'Best Strong Bitter' in the country, it was duly awarded a bronze medal at GBBF in 2011 and Gold award in the International Beer Challenge in 2009. - See more at:

Tasting notes & ingredients

Brewed with Pale Ale malt and First Gold hops, Broadside is a dark ruby red beer rich in fruitcake aromas, almonds and conserved fruit.

What's the story?

Brewed to commemorate the fierce Battle of Sole Bay fought against the Dutch Republic in 1672 off the Southwold coast, Broadside has enjoyed a meteoric rise to fame. It's a fine heart-warming English beer, rich in flavours of malt and hops which enjoys a special place in many people's hearts.

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Adnams-Ghost Ship

Adnams-Ghost Ship


abv: 4.5%

Pale & Refreshing

Ghost Ship is a ghostly pale ale which takes its inspiration from Adnams 600-year-old haunted pub, The Bell


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Sharps - Doom Bar

Sharps - Doom Bar


abv: 4.0%

Amber & Refreshing

An enticing aroma of resinous hop, sweet malt and delicate roasted notes. The mouth feel is a balanced, complex blend of succulent dried fruit, lightly roasted malt and a subtle yet assertive bitterness. The finish is dry and refreshing.


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Sharps Sea Fury

Sharps Sea Fury


abv: 5.0%

Dark & Fruity

Sumptuous, full malt and berry fruit

Brewery Website



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